Mobile Application Security

SecOrigin Security Expert also specialize in mobile application security assessments, be it black-box reverse engineering engagements or source code review analysis. We have also worked with some of the largest enterprises to help them secure their mobile apps. Security testing for mobile apps is the method of checking application features and vulnerability code. It is a combination of static, dynamic and behavioral analysis of apps.

Accordingly, SecOrigin mobile app testing includes the following activities:

  • Decompile the App
  • Searching for sensitive information hard-coded within the application
  • Checking the local storage issues
  • Checking that SSL certificates and signatures are properly validated
  • Discovering insecure use of cryptography for transmitting data or for local storage
  • Source code analysis
  • Checking that automatic updates do not provide a conduit for attackers to install arbitrary code
Phase 1
Scoping & Mapping

Create and agree business process model. Scoping secures by distinguishing and limiting access to documents and information. It enables to map out the issues for further procedures. This process will involve a brief meeting with the client to review and acknowledge the penetration testing rules of engagement, confirm project scope and testing timeline, identify specific testing objectives, document any testing limitations or restrictions, and answer any questions related to the project.

Phase 2
Reverse Engineering

This phase includes analysis of  decompile of apps , local storage issues, Hardcoded credential flaws , Log related flaws , Root detection bypass , Jailbreak detection bypass , SSL pinning bypass , .so file analysis, Binary analysis, Deeplink abuse etc.

Phase 3
Static & Dynamic Analysis

During this phase, scans will be configured on the apk and ipa from the industry standards tools and also application traffic was also undergone a scan to check for app related flaws. For each of the in-scope mobile binaries, both static and dynamic analysis scans will be conducted to identify compile issues, unnecessary permissions, improper local data storage, hardcoded information, etc. Manual identification of vulnerabilities involving form submission and application input points will be conducted, including injection attacks (SQL, command, XPath, LDAP, XXE, XSS), error analysis, file uploads, etc.


Phase 4

This phase will involve taking all potential vulnerabilities identified in the previous phases of the assessment and attempting to exploit them as an attacker would. This helps to evaluate the realistic risk level associated with the successful exploitation of the vulnerability, analyse the possibility of exploit/attack chains, and account for any mitigating controls that may be in place. This will include business logic flaws, authentication/authorization bypasses, direct object references, parameter tampering, and session management.

Phase 5

We provide a report of findings, which gives a detailed view of the critical, high, medium and low-priority risks, along with appropriate recommendations. The vulnerabilities must be risk rated and proper technical communication done for the technical personnel, with a proof of concept included to support the findings uncovered.

Our Services

Vulnerability Management


Cloud Security

Security Compliances

Source Code Review

Digital Forensics

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